Anxiety is a Bald-Faced Lie

#Wellness Wednesdays

Mental Health is a field that I chose but I don’t think I had a good grasp of what it really was.  I have learned a lot and I still have a lot to learn. I always try to be open to new experiences which I had led me to be honest with myself.  I suffer from anxiety. It’s delibating most times, if I don’t keep it under control. As I showering this morning, I decided I would give you a peek of what my anxiety tells me, most times on a daily basis.

Anxiety tells me….

..that I am not good enough.

..that my ideas are mediocre.

..that I won’t succeed in whatever I am trying to do.

..that my creative feelings are not as creative as I think.

..that the success I have managed to achieve is somehow a fluke.

..that there is something wrong in everything that  I do.


So, you get the drift. Anxiety is stone-cold and a bald faced lie.

When those feelings hit, there are a couple of things that help me. 1. Keep moving. I have the tendency to slow down and stop doing things. That’s been one my issues with my blog. This has been the first consistent year I have had since beginning my blog 5 years ago. I usually allow anxiety to tell me that no one reads my blogs and the picture quality is not good and I stop. Now, I keep moving. I have my own goals and even if I am the only one reading it, that is still a job well done. 2. I make sure that I don’t listen. I refute every nasty claim, with what I know is the truth.  I am not where I want to be with my creativity but I also not where I use to be. As long as I don’t ever quit, progress will be made.

Have you ever dealt with anxiety? What has been helpful for you?

Until Next Time,



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